In 2020, the european environment agency estimates 400 000 deaths per year in Europe due to fine particles. Ours cities centers are suffocating, noisy and clogged by traffics. Everybody agree the need of a fast change in ours modes of transport and Urbaner is a innovative answer to that news needs.
Observation in cities centers :
>>> Trafic often saturated
>>> Difficult and expensive parking
>>> Noise pollution
>>> Fine particles pollution
>>> Increasing aggressiveness
All this factors are stressful, uneasiness and have negative impacts on health.
However we have to continue to move where you want, by every weather, in respect of our environment while regaining serenity and the benefits of soft mobility.
>>> To bring ours children to school
>>> To ensure ours business trips
>>> To realize ours purchases
>>> To go in different places of sports and entertainments
That is why HPR Solutions has created Urbaner.
The solution can only go through by a drastic reduction of the thermal vehicles number in ours cities centers.

Renter / Reseller
You wish to propose soft mobility in annual rentals ? No problems, Urbaner with its integral roof is your solution.
You organize touristics tours ? No problems, Urbaner is the new support to propose an innovative product that yours clients be in solo, in duo or in family.

Agile and narrow, eqquiped with a tilting chassis, Urbaner permit to roam cities centers streets and suburban bikeways carefully without the least effort.
Its fully covering roof proctects all passengers from weather conditions. Its removable doors concept makes it very adaptable.

Territorial collectivity
You wish replace your vehicle fleet four suburban moves of your teams by an ecological and adapted for city centers ? No problems, Urbaner its the ideal substitute solution with its trunk and its retractable back seat to drop yours folders.
You wish reduce noise and pollution in your city ? No problems, with Urbaner you reduce car’s number and fluidize traffic.
Your tourism office organize touristic tours ? No problems, Urbaner is the new support to propose a innovative and playful activity for the entire family.

Particular individual
It starts to rain just as the moment of you taking your Urbaner ? No problems, its roof provide you a good protection.
You wish realize your purchase in differents stores ? No problems, you will can leave your shopping in the 40 litre trunk lock carefully.
You wish stroll in duets ? No problems, the back seat can easily accomodate one adult.